WHY CHOOSE Weatherwood?
Our goal is to give Architect and Design the highest end rustic look for the lowest cost. Weatherwood stains achieve the highest end look with the least amount of work. This will slash labor and material costs. Our stains create the barnwood look on raw wood, which is more accessible and more stabile than reclaimed wood. Rather than covering wood grain like tinted stains and latex paints, Weatherwood products enhances the wood's grain. Weatherwood comes in quarts, gallons, or 5 gallon buckets to get you the exact amount of stain you need so you don't have excess costs or waste.
How do we do that?By supplying the pre-stained materials to you directly (DINGEWOOD), or, by getting your subs the correct oxidizing stains and topcoats necessary to achieve the high-end look. At Weatherwood, we want to add value and enhance relationships in any way we can. If supplying your projects with pre-stained wood saves money and makes sense, we look forward to supplying you the materials. If on the other hand your subs can save you more money, then we are happy to plug into your existing network. Simply have your millworker order a quart [here], work up samples, and refer them to our extensive video library for technical support. We are as passionate about your projects as you are and we look forward to helping in any way we can! Feel free to email completed project pics.
Weatherwood Stains sells reactive wood stains that interact with the tannins in the wood and ages them with a distinct natural coloration. Weatherwood transforms wood in minutes instead of centuries. Think of it as 100 years in a bottle. Our reactive stains oxidize the wood's surface, without compromising the integrity of the raw wood. Your subs won't have to order 50% more barnwood because the integrity of the wood isn't compromised. Order the exact amount of wood you need with the precise amount of stain. No more waste!
Unlike competitor stains, no pigments lay at the wood's surface and compromise the wood's grain. Unlike other aging formulas, Weatherwood can hold a topcoat. Now you can achieve the aged rustic look with ease. Considering that barn wood is a costly finite resource (that is only increasing in price) one simple solution to this costly resource is a powerful formula that can satisfy the insatiable appetite for distressed wood.
Our stains are without limit! They can be used on the exterior of a house, the floors, and even the cabinetry, since would line of wood sealer can hold our colors and protect the wood. There is no longer limited to an exterior weathered look. Now, you can take the colors from distressed wood and put them on cabinets, flooring, furniture, ceilings, and of course, exteriors.
This reactive aging process is achieved by pairing a reactive stain with a specific species of wood. Most of our stains will turn each wood species it's own aged hue. You can find all our colors side by side in our COLORS CHART [link].

We Sell Green Stains!
- WW is VOC FREE, toxin free, & earth friendly.
- Stains are safest stains on the market and can be specified anywhere!
- Download our Spec Sheets, here.
- Offers up to 7 LEED points. (SEE BELOW)